Term Of Service

Company Information

Business name: LangFang QinWei Network Technology Co., Ltd

Address: 8125, Zimaoqu Kechuang Base, Hangyidao, Langfang Linkong Jingji District, Daxing Jichangpian District, China Pilot Free Trade Zone

PostCode: 091000

Email: badwinyang@gmail.com, feedback@jfdream.com

Telegram: https://t.me/xbadwin

公司名称: 廊坊沁唯网络科技有限公司

地址: 中国(河北)自由贸易试验区大兴机场片区廊坊临空经济区航谊道自贸区科创基地8125

邮编: 091000

Term Of Service

Entirely Locally: All data is stored on Apple devices and in Apple iCloud and is not stored on any third-party services.

Encrypt: Encrypt using AES 256 from Apple CryptoCommon.

Our Apps

X Keychain

  1. Convenient and secure password management tool.
  1. Easy to share, easy to manage, easy to store.
  1. Support App, website, bank card and notebook records;
  1. It supports FaceID and TouchID for security authentication, as well as gesture recognition and Google Authentictor for authentication.